First of all, I would like to break down the word *Salvation*
Salvation means to be saved, to be born again – born of God. John 3 tells about Nicodemus the pharisee who came to Jesus by night because he saw a different life in Jesus.(remember, the pharisees are also teachers of the law) but he saw something different in Jesus’ ministry and he was not ashamed to ask and acknowledge that Jesus is a teacher sent from God. Here’s the reply Jesus gave him in verse 3 and 6 – “`Jesus answered and said to him, most assuredly i say to you, unless one is born again, he can not see the kingdom of God. Vs 6- that which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the spirit is spirit.“`
So at salvation the birthing of a new man, a child of God born not of the will of man but of the spirit takes place.
(2Cor 5:17, 1Pet 2:20)
While destiny is a way of life that has been pre- ordained for you to live. that is, a kind of lifestyle that your creator planned for you even before you were born. Jer 1:5.
And of course, the plan that God has for you are good, glorious, fulfilling, blessed and not evil! Jer 29:11.
His plan is for you to live like him and represent Him here on earth in power and glory. Gen 1:26, Rev 5:12/9&10.
But until you’re born again- born of God – born of the spirit through Jesus Christ the Son whom He sent to die in your place and has raised Him in power so as to enable you live life gloriously, living will only be frustration, devastating, confusing, painful and bad. John 1:9/12
So it takes being born again and born of the Spirit to see and to enter the kingdom of God – that is living under God’s government (Gen 2:7, Jn 3:3-6), living the life that GOD has ordained or planned for you (Destiny), which is a life of abundance, Peace, righteousness, joy, blessing, fulfillment, demonstrating the glory and power of God. Jn 1:1-4.
According to the word of God in Matt 6:33, all you need to live this kind of life is Him.
All you need is to seek, desire, crave the life He ordained for you, that is seeking His kingdom by letting is will being done in your life, then all it takes to live this life shall be freely given to you.
Matt 13:45-46- “`The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.“`
It takes letting go of your life and receiving His own life to live a glorious life.
It takes no longer living for self but living for Him to fulfill your glorious destiny.
It takes being relevant to him to be relevant in life
And it takes being useful to Him to be fulfilled in life.
If you want to say yes to Jesus so as to receive this life and to fulfill your glorious destiny please say this prayer: Lord Jesus, I believe that you died for me and arose in victory so that i can be empowered to live the life that GOD ordained for me beforehand. Have mercy upon me, forgive me all my sins and wash me with your blood. I accept you as my Lord and personal Savior.
Thank you Jesus for saving me, I believe I am now born again, I believe I am now a child of God.
By your grace I will walk with you and fulfill my glorious destiny, bringing glory to the Father for the rest of my life.
Congratulations for your new status. Now that you’re born again please to a bible teaching church, where the family of God are gathered to be fed and nurtured by His word so as to grow to become a mature son of God to possess your inheritance in Christ Jesus.
Congratulations once again, I see you winning every battles of life.
By Pastor Faith Omokaro